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We invited Moira Neville to our March meeting with her flower demonstration entitled “Let’s Twist”. And Twist Moira certainly did! She began dancing which both surprised and delighted our members and I can safely say that we haven’t had any dancing before at our meetings. With the title of “Let’s Twist”, which song do you think she was dancing to? She even had us all clapping along! Moira’s creations were mostly in the contemporary modern style and were very colourful with some leaf manipulation. Moira very kindly judged a competition we held on the evening with the same title which was in the Petite style.
We had five entrants in the competition which included two new members taking part for the first time. The competition results are as follows. We had three entries in the Novice class. Jenny Frosdick received 9 out of 10, Pauline Oliver 6 out of 10 and Daphne Wordsworth 6 out of 10. In the Advanced class Tricia Loades received 7 out of 10 and Penny Mills had 8 out of 10.